The Laowa Pro2be 24mm T8 2X Probe Lens is the new generation of Laoawas Probe lens. Unlike the PeriProbe, which does 360 degrees rotation with the 90° tip, the new Probe features a brand new optical design and offers a crazy low angle perspective.
With the 35-degree module, you can get high angle shots across surfaces without tilting the camera. Epic commercial shots can be done with the native 35-degree tilt of the lens, no further adjustment has to be made on the slider.
With the direct view module, you can create unique and interesting angle macro shots. Epic commercial shots can be done with the length of the lens, no further adjustment has to be made on the slider.
The 90-degree module allow shooting objects on the ground with the camera still set on a tripod. With the ability to set the camera at a favourable position, the DP can create super cool “travel-through” footage without limits.
Pro2be has a longer waterproof lens barrel so it can go deeper into the water and support larger scale of setup.